“The Perfect Man” – Exhibition with El Dibujo and Fran Munyoz at Matraca Gallery, Málaga
On April 7,2017 in the gallery and concept store Matraca of Malaga took place the collective exhibition “The Perfect Man” together with Fran Munyoz and Daniel El Dibujo.
I would like to thank both the gallery for their work and professionalism, as well as those who came to join us at the opening. Remember, he’ll be there until the end of May 2017!
Fortunately, the reactions to sexism are becoming increasingly noticeable and we are moving step by step towards an egalitarian and equitable society. The stigma attached to women is finally questioned and freed from old Aristotelian burdens.
However, if there is room for one however, someone else suffers the effect of this ancestral behavior: man himself.
We are born in a society that expects the best from us. We are educated to be strong, brave, confident, authoritative, protective and parents. Vigorous alpha males who know all things, who can and want all things, and have them.
What will become of us, the other men, those who are not secure, not brave, not strong? What if we don’t want to father children? What if we need someone to tuck us in?
We are the failure of man, as they have taught us, and all that they have taught us is of no use to us.
Perhaps that is why we do not have a path to follow, a doctrine that wears us down and deceives us, that frustrates us and makes us violent, unhappy, destructive. We have endured your harassment, your mockery, your ignorance… And you have made us feel that we have nothing to lose, because we were born with everything already lost, and that, perhaps, is the best thing you could have given us.
We are free. Free to think, say and feel what we want. Free to form our family without preconceived patterns, and even to change as many times of life as we want. Free from borders, free from your sins, free from dreaming of what we want and, what madness!, from even fucking with whomever we want.
Now we dream of reuniting these virtues and becoming that new man, or we may dream of falling in love with him. We don’t care if you tell us that change is impossible, that love is not real or that it doesn’t exist. because we’ve seen it.
Fran Munyoz, El Dibujo and Bran Sólo present their collective exhibition “The Perfect Man“at 8:00 p. m. on the 7th of April at Matraca Gallery (Málaga) where they present the role of man in the society in which we have lived, during the feminist struggle and from a personal point of view, different and hidden, perhaps melancholic, for not being able to find the Perfect Man.
More information and interview in the blog of Inéditad.