PNPPL ZINE (Pineapple Zine) is publishing its fourth issue this August, including an interview with Bran Sólo.
Printing is not dead, proving with a selection of amazing guys and exciting artworks from around the globe in our second printed magazine, PNPPL zine 04.
Publishing JJ Geiger’s work on the front cover with Marc & Marc and artwork by Bran Sólo on the back cover. Our magazine features 9 exclusive, never seen photo editorials for you to enjoy, we interviewed Marco Siciliano Italian artist and we introduce Bran Sólo and Fabro Tranchida artworks. All together, there are 112 pages to Pine over on 120 g paper, in A5 size (5.8 x 8.3 in) for 20$. Get ready for these talented photographers and artists from South America, China, USA and from around Europe. You can check our contributor’s Instagram by clicking on their names under the pictures. Be aware, the magazine features a lots of skin and full of explicit pictures!
Printed in limited 200 copies.
Order your copy here:
Editor in Chef: Ben Sabo
Graphic Designer: Zoltán Visnyai @zoltanvisnyai
Proofread: Robin
Special thanks to
@anatol.diary / @kust.premises / @ballorin_paris / @nicolaindelicato
to let us use their clothes!